[joomla] Thursday Joomla NYC meeting

Stephen Britton sbritton at
Fri Apr 13 21:25:48 EDT 2012

We had one of our best Joomla NYC meetings ever last night!

When the idea of an "all question-and-answer" format was proposed, I was
worried that there would not be enough questions to fill up the 6:30 to 8
PM time slot. I even put together a presentation, my "five favorite Joomla
plug-ins" just in case.

Instead, we had a great talk and finally wrapped it up at 9 PM. We covered
everything from how to use one article over several pages (many ways to do
it with Custom HTML, News Flash and numerous third-party modules) to
Google+ (Don't laugh. This service will succeed!) and responsive Joomla
websites (check out the Blank Joomla demo at ) And many
other Joomla related items. Everyone went home with some knowledge that
they didn't have before the meeting.

We have decided to go with the QA format every few months as a break from
the regular presentation and lightning round meetings.

I also want to highly recommend the new "Joomla Programming" book by Louis
Landry and Mark Dexter. I purchased and downloaded the Kindle version
during the meeting right after Fred Sullivan recommended it and completely
agree with Fred. This is a classic. The Kindle version is only $21.99

It's 540+ pages and reads like a John Grisham novel. (Well, maybe not. No
one dies :-) I am already up to the 50% mark and it's so nice to read an
advanced Joomla book as opposed to all those Beginning Joomla, Joomla First
Look, and Joomla for Dummies books.

The title Joomla Programming is also not completely correct. Yes, this book
does go over some programming (Chapter 3 is confusing), but it covers many
topics that all advanced Joomla developers should know, like setting up
template over-rides and the meaning of all the PHP code in Joomla
templates. There is a great tutorial on how to modify the registration page
using template overrides. I have gotten a lot out it. See you all at the
next meeting.

Have a great weekend!

- - - Steve

Stephen Britton
Technology Consultant
sbritton at
Twitter: @StephenBritton
ph: 914-661-0040

"Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." -
George Bernard Shaw
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