[joomla] image printing service component

Sasa Rakic - Gmail rakics at
Sun Apr 15 20:21:53 EDT 2012

Hi Kirill,


One of solutions is customized shopping cart:


First few steps/pages of loading images can be additional programmed,
ordering, billing/shipping

Address and cc/PayPal payment is built in, with order emails to admin and
customer, it is possible to add image attachment 

to paid order email.


This is shopping cart I have built, with 14 clients using it so far, not yet
customized under Joomla.


Best regards,



From: joomla-bounces at [mailto:joomla-bounces at]
On Behalf Of Kirill Poliakov
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2012 2:05 AM
To: NYPHP SIG: Joomla
Subject: Re: [joomla] image printing service component



Thanks for your recommendations - will look into them.   

The image upload is prior to final payment, some times it  is the first
step.  Here is a sample site

This is a printing service, client needs to upload the image then format it,
and the last part is to pay.  

Will be glad to hear more  suggestions on how to achieve this.



From: Stephen Britton <sbritton at>
To: "NYPHP SIG: Joomla" <joomla at>
Date: 04/15/2012 07:16 PM
Subject: Re: [joomla] image printing service component
Sent by: joomla-bounces at


I am assuming that you want the customer to pay before they upload the image
file. Yes?

If so, I have never seen a single extension that can do this, but you could
do it with two extensions. 

There are numerous extensions that allow users to upload files (Phoca
Download is one that comes to mind.). 

Once you installed the file upload component, you would need a
subscription/membership extension that would give the customers access to
the file upload extension once they have paid and registered. 

You would create different access levels based on image sizes - like small,
medium and large. The problem with this method is it would be difficult if
someone wanted to order more than one photo and in different sizes. 

I also think you could use the Content Builder component from Crosstec
because it does have file upload and PayPal payment features, but
documentation is limited and unless you have a lot of time and experience
with extensions, I would not recommend this route.

You probably have to develop it yourself or find someone to make it for you,
but this type of extension  can be done.

Good luck.   

On Sun, Apr 15, 2012 at 12:42 PM, Kirill Poliakov
<kirill at> wrote: 

Hello everyone,

I am looking for a component that will allow me to sell  image printing
service.   Client chooses image format and then uploads a photo.  

Thanks in advance,


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