[joomla] can't hide article title

Ellen Rothwax ellen.rothwax at
Thu Apr 19 18:46:46 EDT 2012

Maybe I am too close to this project, but I am stumped.
I am using joomla2.5, yootheme template and articles anywhere. I have an
article in a module, and when you click the Continue reading link, it links
to the article page. There is no menu link to this article. I have the
article parameters set to hide the title, yet it still shows up. Firebug
indicates it is a system title. How can I hide it?
I tried creating a menu item for the article and linking to it manually
from the module (instead of using the plugin's code) and the title still
shows up (yes, I checked no title in the menu parameters)
I must be overlooking something, but I can't figure it out.
The site is<%20>and
the module is the post-it in the middle of the page

Also, unrelated to that, I have 16 articles in one category.All parameters
are the same. The menu is set to blog layout.  Why would some article
titles/read more/and links in a latest news module, be linking to *
name-of-category/(id#)25-alias-name.html*, like
and others leave off the* category name and id #* like   ?
My SEO Settings are :    Search Engine Friendly URLs-- yes      Use URL
rewriting --yes

Any insight would be helpful :(


Ellen Rothwax
Web Design and Development
*Don’t say you can’t afford a website. . .you can’t afford not to have one.
*(P) 203 572-5756*
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