[joomla] Specific function needed

brynk brynk at
Wed Aug 29 10:33:56 EDT 2012

Joomla Users:

I have a client that must upload "pdf" files to his Joomla CMS site 
(version 1.5.X), then create a user for specific clients, then have that 
client log into the frontend of the site and only be able to see their 
"pdf" files. They can not see other clients files  only their own and 
they can obviously download and/or print.

It is very important that each user can only access files belonging to them.

Any ideas?

Thank You
Bob Rynkiewicz

Joomla Connections
Robert P. Rynkiewicz
43 East Greenfield Ave.
Pleasantville, NJ 08232

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