[joomla] Need help with a Custom Query for Community Builder

Christopher French contact at
Mon Dec 17 15:05:06 EST 2012

I don't know w much about community builder, but do you just want a query
to list the Joomla user groups or are these community builder groups

On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 12:55 PM, Geoffrey Schaller
<gjschaller at>wrote:

> Is anyone familiar with CB Custom Query fields?  I've been asking how to
> add a field to a CB profile that lists a user's Joomla member groups, and
> I've been told it can be done, but the response from the CB community has
> been slow / unhelpful.
> What I am basically looking to do is display a listing of the Joomla user
> groups that a user belongs to on their CB profile, and also on their Kunena
> profile.  This way, if someone is a member of Team X, when they post on the
> forums, anyone who reads the post will know they are a member of that group
> automatically, without them needing to edit their signature, etc.  (It also
> prevents someone from claiming to be a team member who is not, and someone
> forgetting to add it to their profile.)
> --
> Geoffrey Schaller
> gjschaller at
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