[joomla] div class="footer1", where is the CSS for this?

David Roth davidalanroth at
Wed Feb 15 15:45:45 EST 2012

Hi Scott.

No, it doesn't use Gantry.

I did a Mysqldump and footer1 and footer2 don't appear any place.

David Roth

On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 3:15 PM, Scott Wolpow <scott at> wrote:
> Does it use Gantry?
> If so, look in there.
> Have you searched the DB?
> Scott Wolpow
> On 2/15/2012 3:08 PM, David Roth wrote:
>> Hi Sara.
>> Thanks for the reply and offer. It's on an intranet, so there is no
>> outside access to it.
>> I've done a grep -il footer2 `find .` on the installation of Joomla
>> and other than the default.php and the .ini file, I don't see any CSS
>> for footer1 or footer2.
>> I was using Google Chrome's Inspect Element hoping I could see where
>> it was getting it's CSS from but didn't see anything. When I do a View
>> Source of that page, all the .css is part of this Joomla installation
>> so it's not getting it from anything external. It might not be set at
>> all is what I'm thinking. I had the impression that CSS is like HTML
>> in that it doesn't generate any errors or complains about anything if
>> it's missing.
>> The template is from Rocket Theme called Hivemind. It might not be set
>> at all is what I'm thinking now.
>> I will have to dig around in mod_footer to see what it's doing with
>> the ini files mod_footer stuff.
>> David Roth
>> On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 12:47 PM, Sasa Rakic - Gmail<rakics at>
>>  wrote:
>>> Hi David,
>>> Footer code is in:
>>> \modules\mod_footer\tmpl\default.php
>>> <div class="footer1<?php echo $moduleclass_sfx ?>"><?php echo $lineone;
>>> ?></div>
>>> <div class="footer2<?php echo $moduleclass_sfx ?>"><?php echo
>>> JText::_('MOD_FOOTER_LINE2'); ?></div>
>>> If you have site Url I will be able to check are some css styles are
>>> overriding.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Sasa
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: joomla-bounces at
>>> [mailto:joomla-bounces at]
>>> On Behalf Of David Roth
>>> Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 7:59 AM
>>> To: NYPHP SIG: Joomla
>>> Subject: [joomla] div class="footer1", where is the CSS for this?
>>> You might not believe this, but I can't find the CSS in Joomla 2.5.1 for
>>> footer1 or footer2. Is this not assigned all the time? Or is it generated
>>> with through the magic of PHP and that's making it hard to find?
>>> <div class="footer1">Copyright C 2012 My Little Test. All Rights
>>> Reserved.</div>
>>> Assuming footer1 and footer2 isn't assigned all the time, where should it
>>> be? template.css?
>>> In case you are wondering why I want to know this, I want to be able to
>>> use
>>> a different font color for footer2. Thanks!
>>> David Roth
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