[joomla] OK, I give up. Where is the "magic" for links?

David Roth davidalanroth at
Tue Jul 17 20:30:02 EDT 2012

I understand what you are saying. That makes a lot of sense.

At the root directory of one Joomla 2.5 installations I did this:

grep -l JURI `find .` | wc -l

And it counted 184 files which JURI is used. So it is being much more than
I would suspect. There might be other situations it is needed which I've
not come across yet. Here is a code snipped from K2 where it is used in a
                // Absolute URL
                $uri = &JURI::getInstance();
                $item->absoluteURL = $uri->toString();

David Roth

On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 11:40 AM, Chris French <contact at>wrote:

> Something seems not right about this.
> Relative paths are not a joomla thing they are a web thing, putting the
> domain in the href isn't only not needed it is not recommended because what
> if you change your domain name?
> Now this wouldn't be as much of an issue if you were using the juri to
> generate but still this is 99% of the time not needed.
> You should post the code you were writing and the problem and we can fix
> it for you
> On Jul 17, 2012 7:44 AM, "Matt Thomas" <matt at> wrote:
>> Hi David,
>> Thanks. Out of curiosity, what was the code that you were writing?
>> Best,
>> Matt Thomas
>> Founder betweenbrain <>™
>> Lead Developer Construct Template Development Framework<>
>> Phone: 203.632.9322
>> Twitter: @betweenbrain
>> Github:
>> On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 10:12 AM, David Roth <davidalanroth at>wrote:
>>> Hi Matt.
>>> The mystery to me is that in the code I was writing I never did a call
>>> to JURI, so it must be done further up the chain or the Joomla template
>>> does it. Either way, it was alarming to 'echo' the variable only to see it
>>> didn't contain a full URL.
>>> I  never paid attention to the relative paths before because they were
>>> working so I didn't bother to examine them until now.
>>> Thanks everyone. I learned something today. If the base URL is not
>>> working, then a call to JURI is needed. If it is working, it's because
>>> someplace it has already been taken care of by a call to JURI.
>>> David Roth
>>> On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 9:12 AM, Matt Thomas <matt at>wrote:
>>>> Hi David,
>>>> Without seeing an example of the page source, I can only guess that K2
>>>> uses relative paths for the links. Can you post a link to the site in
>>>> question and cite an example link from that page?
>>>> Best,
>>>> Matt Thomas
>>>> Founder betweenbrain <>™
>>>> Lead Developer Construct Template Development Framework<>
>>>> Phone: 203.632.9322
>>>> Twitter: @betweenbrain
>>>> Github:
>>>> On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 8:53 AM, David Roth <davidalanroth at>wrote:
>>>>> I was poking around in K2, and when I had it print out via 'echo' a
>>>>> link, I noticed it didn't include the domain. It included everything after
>>>>> that. While I was playing with this K2 template I thought I had left
>>>>> something out. Then I did a view source on the page and all links didn't
>>>>> include the domain, but they work just fine.
>>>>> How is the domain being inserted when it's displayed as a web page? I
>>>>> am guessing this takes place as Javascript someplace? If so, where?
>>>>> Yes, I know we get this done for free and should be thankful, but I'd
>>>>> really like to know how this work. Thanks in advance for a
>>>>> kind explanation.
>>>>> David Roth
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