[joomla] OT: Looking for surplus wireless routers

Gary Mort garyamort at
Tue Jun 12 10:52:39 EDT 2012

I figured I'd ask here as my collection of "dead" routers is low[some 
used, some not working, some lost in various moves].

I'm looking for wireless routers.  Preferably the Cisco/Linksys ones - 
anything from the x54G models oneward[Exxx models, WRTxN models, etc].   
Basically, anything on the DD-WRT list:

Summer's coming up so I want to do some electronics and other projects 
with the kids, and I'm looking for zero cost as these things are likely 
to end up broken/taken/etc.

I've had good luck with seemingly dead/glitchy routers sticking DD-WRT 
on them - and to make it vaguely Joomla related, I'd like to install 
apache/php/joomla and hack around a bit with that as well.

So I figured I'd ask if anyone going to the next meeting has some they 
are willing to part with and can bring to the meeting for me...  I 
figured there might be some people here like me...everytime I upgrade my 
wireless, I just can't bear to send the old routers to the landfill but 
no one wants they accumulate...and accumulate...and accumulate.

Does not need to be Linksys/Cisco - their just the one's I've mucked 
with in the past, anything on the supported device list would work.


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