[joomla] Want to expand you CMS skill sets.

Scott Wolpow scott at
Fri Jun 15 13:25:52 EDT 2012

Joomla is a great platform as we all know.
It does not hurt to add another major Platform or two.

The NYC Drupal Users Group Presents a free event (though it would be 
nice to donate something)

DrupalCampNYC 11 - The Unconference

Do you Drupal? Do you wonder if maybe you should?

In keeping with a long-running Drupal NYC tradition, our next 
unconference (DCNYC11 for those keeping count) will take place on 
Saturday, June 23rd in its long-time home at Polytechnic University in 
Brooklyn!  Registration for this event will be FREE, but we suggest a 
donation of $25.00 to help us to continue funding these types of camps 
in the future.

What is an unconference?

In an unconference, the event content is suggested and chosen by the 
actual attendees on the day of the event.  First thing in the morning, 
we all gather to find out what everyone wants to talk about, set the 
schedule, then allocate the rooms that we have rented/reserved.

There is usually a nice mix of talks covering a variety of skill levels 
and topical areas including development, theming, and business.

Visit for full details and to register!


Scott Wolpow

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