[joomla] Mission Control template by Rocket Theme - How do I change the menu top of page?

David Roth davidalanroth at
Sat Jun 16 19:44:14 EDT 2012

I stand corrected. While that medtho didn't work for me with the EDIT of
the Profile, it did work for Features! It removed it from display on the
page and there is no link to Features. Excellent! Thanks!

I should point out to anyone else interesting in doing this, that this
isn't secure because the HTML code and javascript for this button is still
available in the View Source. However, that isn't a concern for me since
the newbie would be logging in from an .htaccess secured back-end. My main
concern was to remove things do the newbie doesn't get very confused or
mess up things.

By the way, I did an override to remove other things from the page. But I
guess this being part of core Joomla, it simply wasn't available for

David Roth

On Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 9:33 AM, Helvécio da Silva <helvecio.rj at>wrote:

> If it's not displayed, how can the link be still on the page?
> Or do you mean the link to the page that displays the featured articles in
> the admin submenu? You have a simple choice here: unpublish the Admin
> Submenu module. Drawback is that ALL Admin Submenus will not be displayed
> anymore.
> 2012/6/16 David Roth <davidalanroth at>
>> Thanks for the reply.
>> That will cause it not to display, but the link for it will still be on
>> the page for the newbie to click on totally causing them to freak out and
>> worst of all, phone me! :-)
>> David Roth
>> On Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 8:09 AM, Helvécio da Silva <helvecio.rj at
>> > wrote:
>>> Add the following line to your rt-missioncontrol/css/menu.css
>>>, .mc-toolbar ul li#toolbar-featured.button
>>> {display: none;}
>>> That should do the trick!
>>> 2012/6/16 David Roth <davidalanroth at>
>>>> I'm making a simplified version of the Mission Control admin template
>>>> by Rocket Theme for a newbie. It's a requirement.
>>>> I need to make changes to the menu top of the page. When you go to the
>>>> Article Manager: Articles Across
>>>> the top right of the page is:
>>>> New | Actions | Edit | Featured | Check In
>>>> Below Article Manager: Articles there is:
>>>> Articles | Categories | Featured Articles
>>>> I need to remove Featured from the top right menu and Features Articles
>>>> from the left side under Article Manager: Articles.
>>>> As far as I have gotten is in index.php, line: 64
>>>>    1. <div id="mc-submenu">
>>>>    2.      <?php $mctrl->displaySubMenu(); ?>
>>>>    3. </div>
>>>> If I remove the line of code for $mctrl->displaySubMenu();, none of the
>>>> three menu items below display. But I don't know where these values are
>>>> being set. Likewise, I don't know where $mctrl->displayToolbar() is being
>>>> set for the top right either.
>>>> I'd appreciate help with these two places. I'm new to the Mission
>>>> Control template and until now, I've not had a reason to modify an admin
>>>> template for Joomla.
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> David Roth
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>>> Helvecio "Elvis" da Silva
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> Helvecio "Elvis" da Silva
> Rio de Janeiro - Brasil - helvecio.rj at
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