[joomla] Simple Caddy and SEF

Toni Taylor ttatpdt at
Wed Mar 21 10:00:42 EDT 2012

I've installed/enabled all of the Simple Caddy components, modules & plugins and am working on configuring them, to use my client's PayPal account as the Payment Gateway. When I click the order button that Atlantic Intelligence documentation says should take me to my clients PayPal account (yes, I've confirmed her PayPal credentials), it instead takes me to a page ( ... t&Itemid=0) which displays default Joomla content. 

AI support tells me that SC doesn't always work well with the SEF set to yes in the J Global Configuration and offered up sh404SEF as a possible solution. Though the extensions I found only seem to work on 1.5 sites (mine is 1.7 site). I need SEF url's and I'd like SC to work on my 1.7 site. Might anyone have recommendations for a 3rd party extension that would allow for SEF urls & SC functionality?

I posted on the J Forum with no response.

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