[joomla] Googledirections by - printing problem

David Roth davidalanroth at
Tue Mar 27 04:41:17 EDT 2012

I'm using the extension by kksou for Googledirections. It works well,
you can put in your address and it uses Google maps to show directions
to a pre-set address. The problem is when you click on the Joomla
print icon to print the map with the directions, the text directions
don't print. It behaves as if the user didn't enter their own address.

It appears by putting in this example in an article:
{googleDir_tohere width=320 height=360 dir_width=275 home_addr="123
Main Street, Anytown NY 10036" home_label="Wayne Manor"}

Is there some Joomla behavior about this I am missing? Or is this a
bug in kksoy Googledirections?

Anyone have another Joomla extension or method to do this that you are
happy with? Thanks!

David Roth

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