[joomla] Published, but Pending

Geoffrey Schaller gjschaller at
Tue Nov 20 13:25:12 EST 2012

I have a Joomla site where registered users can publish articles.
 (Registration is only through LDAP back to a corporate domain, so it's not
completely open...).

When a non-Admin user creates an article, the status goes to "Published,
but is Pending" under User Article Manager.

I googled this up, and the common cause seems to be that it's set to be
published in the future - i.e., two hours from now.  I checked the Time
Zone on Joomla, my cPanel, and the PHP configuration, and they are all set
to America/New_York

When I check the article in the back end, it shows up as being published at
13:13:59, and the current (last edited) time is 13:20:00, so
it's definitely after the time it should be published.

This is on Joomla 2.5.8 - any idea what's causing this behavior?  It seems
to resolve itself after some time, leading me to believe it's time related,
but I can't figure out what's triggering it.

Thank you!

Geoffrey Schaller
gjschaller at
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