[joomla] acl or login issue

Ellen Rothwax ellen.rothwax at
Mon Sep 10 09:01:21 EDT 2012

I have a strange situation I am hoping someone can help. I have a situation
where I want to give viewing access to a certain section/pages only to a
particular group of viewers. I want the public to see the navigation to
those pages, but not have access to them unless they have requested
permission, in which case they will be added as a user in that group.So
when they do navigate to the page, there is a system message "You are not
authorized..." That is how it should be.

The problem is that in Firefox and IE, if the user logs in, navigates to
the restricted page and then logs out,  they can't navigate back to the
restricted page again while logged out.The log in module is set to redirect
on log out to the default page, which is the Home page, which it does on
log out. But if you click on the menu item to navigate to the restricted
page again, instead of seeing the page with the system message "You are not
authorized...", it defaults to the Home page.This is confusing to the user
since they were able to navigate there before. If they happened to be on a
different page (not the restricted one) when they logged out, they will
have no problem navigating back to the restricted page and seeing the
system message "You are not authorized...".

In Chrome and Safari, I don't have the problem. If I clear the cache, it's
fine, too, but I can't expect visitors to know to clear their browser cache.

I am experiencing this on 2 different sites, both 2.5.6. One site also has
K2, so I tried using it's login module instead of Joomla core, but it made
no difference. I also tried using BTLogin module, and again, no difference.
Anyone have any insight?


Ellen Rothwax
Web Design and Development
*Don’t say you can’t afford a website. . .you can’t afford not to have one.
*(P) 203 572-5756*
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