[joomla] Learning PHP and Joomla

Geoffrey Schaller gjschaller at
Fri Sep 14 14:12:39 EDT 2012

Funny you should mention Gallery... that's one of my first apps, too.  I'm
currently trying to migrate away from it to JoomGallery 2.0, so that it's
an integrated solution (along with Joomla, Kunena, Community Builder, etc.)
- I've been using JFusion to bridge Joomla and Gallery2.3.1, but it's not
the same, and the support for JFusion is flagging (the G2 module author has
vanished, and the rest of the JFusion team is buried with their own
plugins, and real life).

JoomGallery 2.0 has an import function, where you can upload an import
script and pull images and their text from other PHP-based systems.  They
have a script for JG1 to JG2, but not for Gallery2 to JG2... yet.  I have a
friend that is working on it for me (since I don't know PHP yet), but we're
still playing with the import process.

With a bit of luck, I'll be running JoomGallery2 as my photo gallery by the
time I present my site in October.  If not... I'll present it as it is now
with JFusion, and we can discuss the import script. ;-)

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