[joomla] Two useful links for backing up your cPanel site

Janet Sullivan jmsullivan50 at
Wed Sep 26 10:30:09 EDT 2012


 Thanks for sharing this.  I do manually do cpanel backups for all my clients and always assumed 
that there was a way to set up a cron job, but never had time to look into it.  

This is great, thanks!

 From: Geoffrey Schaller <gjschaller at>
To: NYPHP SIG: Joomla <joomla at> 
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2012 3:49 PM
Subject: [joomla] Two useful links for backing up your cPanel site

This isn't directly related to Joomla, but is handy for anyone who wants to do an automated backup of their server / site / cPanel account.

The first is a command / script that runs a complete backup of your cPanel account, and sends it to a remote location.  While working with a cPanel dump is not pretty / fun, it's good to have in case something happens to your hosting provider, and they lose your account / shut down / etc. (i.e. - you can't trust them, and you need to restore to another provider from a recent backup).  NOT ALL PROVIDERS enable the backup function - BlueHost does not, for example - since it makes it easy to migrate away from them.  Check with your hosting provider to see if they allow full cPanel backups.  I run this once a week for each cPanel account, and have it FTP the files down to a storage device at my home (since it's "off-site" for my host, and they are all personal sites). 


The second is a script that dumps a copy of your mySQL databases, and sends them to a remote location (email, FTP, etc.).  It will even clean up after itself, so you only keep the past 4 days, etc.  This one, I run nightly, and it FTPs the files to my storage device at home again.  If I need to do a restore, the worst I lose is 24 hours worth of content. 


For my home storage solution, I use a ReadyNAS device - they come in home use models, as well as professional models that mount in a rack in a datacenter.  They're designed to just store a large amount of data in a very friendly way, and serve it up with several methods (local network browsing, FTP, Web Interface, etc.).

Geoffrey Schaller
gjschaller at

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