[joomla] Next NYC Joomla Users Group Meeting

Stewart Newfeld snewfeld at
Tue Feb 12 11:45:23 EST 2013

The best way to stay in touch with us is to join our YAHOO! GROUP that we
stared February 8th to replace our NYPHP List.  
Only 14 of the 237 NYPHP List subcribers have joined so far.  Please sign-up
and tell your friends.  The details are on our Mailing List page here
<> .

Please note last-minute location and time change:
This month we are breaking from our long-standing 2nd-Thursday-of-the-Month
meeting day.

Our next meeting will be
Wednesday February 20, 2013 -
on the 3rd Wednesday of the month
Chairperson: Toni Taylor

Meeting: 7:00-9:00, Location: xcubicle
25 Essex Street, Street Level,  (Lower East Side), New York, NY 10002

7:00 - 7:15 - Introductions and Miscellaneous Business
7:15 - 8:15 - Presentation by Stewart Newfeld and others:
JUpgrade and SP Upgrade: Extensions for migrating Joomla 1.5 to 2.5 or 3.0.
A lot of Joomla 1.5 sites are being hacked.  The community needs to come
together and increase the awareness amongst site owners of the need to
update sites for security reasons.  All the popular CMS's need periodic
updating for security reasons.  If we don't want Joomla to get a bad
reputation, we need to understand the release cycle.  At this an future
meetings we will discuss ways to better communicate maintenance requirements
to our clients and how to get paid for it.

See your site Migrated from 1.5 to 2.5:  If you have a simple 1.5 site you
want upgraded to 2.5 in my presentation, bring an Akeeba backup of it on a
flash drive and we'll give it a whirl. Note: I'll only be able to do one.

8:15 - 8:30 - Lightening Round
8:30 - 9:00  Networking

25 Essex Street, Street Level,  (Lower East Side), New York, NY 10002

Take B or D trains to Grand Street.  Walk 6 blocks East on Essex Street,
then make right and walk 1 block South.

Take F,J,M, or Z trains to Delancy St. and Essex St., exit South-West
corner.  Walk south on Essex street 3 blocks ( passing Broome St., Grand St,
and Hester St.).



Stewart Newfeld,
NYCJUG President


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