[joomla] pagination override in a K2 Template

Todd S toddsugi at
Tue Feb 19 14:36:10 EST 2013

Thanks for the response.
i actually have 2 alternate K2 layout overrides that i have in my Templates
folder/html/com_K2.  They both work and when i goto my menus i use them as
layout overrides for certain pages.

The file that i want to modify is pagination.php, which is apart of
joomla's core. I could modify the core file but i want to have different
pagination outputs on different pages.  I tried to make a copy of the
pagination.php file and put it in one of the K2 layout override folders i
created, but that didn't work. I also tried putting it in the HTML folder
w/in my template folder and it ended up breaking the layout.

On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 8:49 PM, Helvécio da Silva <helvecio.rj at>wrote:

> Not quite sure I understand what you want to accomplish, but if you want
> to override any K2 output you must copy the folder templates to
> /templates/YOUR-TEMPLATE/html/com_k2/
> Then you rename the folder DEFAULT to whatever name you want. Do whatever
> changes you want to these files.
> On the backend, go to the categories you want the changed files be applied
> to. On the top of parameters you will notice a TEMPLATE option. If you
> click on it (and did everything right) you will see the name of the folder
> where your changed files are contained.
> Now, K2 will use those template files instead of its default.
> Hope this helps.
> 2013/2/18 Todd Sugiyama <toddsugi at>
>> Hi All,
>> Just wondering if anyone has had this issue.  I'm trying modify my
>> pagination. I'm currently running K2 on my joomla site (2.9) and would like
>> to reword the pagination output.  I know i can modify the core files, but i
>> was trying to do it through a template override.
>> However, the pages i have being paginated are using a K2 Template
>> override, so I'm not sure where to put the files.   I tried to do a basic
>> template override and put the pagination.php file in mytemplate/html
>> folder, but i ended up breaking the layout.
>> any idea or similar issues.  I checked on the forums but didn't see any
>> solutions to pagination overrides.
>> thanks in advance.,
>> Todd
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> --
> Helvecio "Elvis" da Silva
> Rio de Janeiro - Brasil - helvecio.rj at
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