[joomla] User Favorites for Articles?

Geoffrey Schaller gjschaller at
Wed Jan 30 16:15:23 EST 2013

I'm working on a documentation site that contains a large number of pages
and processes.  A user asked if it was possible to "pin" or "favorite"
specific pages, so that when they came back a month later to run the same
process, it was easy to find.

I've found a couple of modules that do this, but they all have the same
drawback - the module needs to be displayed on the page, both to "mark" it,
and to retrieve the list.  Because this is a documentation site, we're
trying to keep clutter to a minimum.

In an ideal setup, the ability to "mark" a page would be an action icon
along with Edit, Print, or Email - the listing of your faves would be a
page you could get to from your profile or a menu.

Has anyone seen a system like this for Joomla?

Geoffrey Schaller
gjschaller at
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