[joomla] Object Not Found Error Message

Unitel unitelny at
Fri Jun 21 17:29:26 EDT 2013

I changed SEO Setting,


*	Search Engine Friendly to no
*	Use URL Rewriting to no


Enabled .htaccess < I don't know about that. Where can I find that?




Best regards,


Marcos Miranda 




From: joomla-bounces at [mailto:joomla-bounces at]
On Behalf Of Geoffrey Schaller
Sent: Friday, June 21, 2013 5:25 PM
To: NYPHP SIG: Joomla
Subject: Re: [joomla] Object Not Found Error Message


It may be an SEO error - check your SEO-Friendly URL settings, and also make
sure you renamed / enabled .htaccess!



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