[joomla] page break question

Donna Marie Vincent donnamarievincent at
Thu Oct 31 16:00:18 EDT 2013

Look at the template override.  In Yootheme templates, it's buried deep in the template subfolders.  I think it's in warp/systems/joomla/layout/...

> From: Ellen Rothwax <ellen.rothwax at>
>To: Joomlanyc <joomla at> 
>Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2013 3:10 PM
>Subject: [joomla] page break question
>I am hoping someone can help me.I am using the latest Joomla 3 and a Yootheme template. I have added page 
breaks on one of my articles and there is some code that generates "1 of 4" pages under the page title and before the article begins. I want to 
move that to below the article but I can't figure out where the code is 
in the Yootheme template,or is it a Joomla core function. If it is, how 
can I change it's position? 
>Ellen Rothwax
>Web Design and Development
>Don’t say you can’t afford a website. . .you can’t afford not to have one.
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