[joomla] Next Joomla Users Group Meeting is October

Stewart Newfeld snewfeld at
Wed Sep 4 18:47:58 EDT 2013

Hi Everyone,  

We will not be having our regular monthly group meeting in September because
the 3rd Wednesday falls on the Jewish Holiday of Sukkot observed by our
hosts at Touro College

Our next regular meeting will be 
Wednesday October 16, 2013
( Our normal 3rd Wednesday of the month ) 



OSTraining is offering a 25% discount on their upcoming Joomla Training in
New York if you use the discount code "joomlanyc" when you register.

*	Day 1, Monday September 16, 2013 is for complete beginners. You'll
learn all of the key concepts you need to understand, navigate and use a
Joomla site.
*	Day 2, Tuesday September 16, 2013 is for people who have completed
Day 1 or have some Joomla experience. You'll learn how to build and maintain
Joomla sites.

Registration and course details on the OSTraining website

A note from me, Stewart Newfeld.  These courses are taught by local Joomla
Developer and excellent Joomla instructor Laura Gordon.  If you want to get
started with Joomla or are a beginning to intermediate Joomla user, these
courses are a great way to learn.  If you are a Joomla professional, do what
I do - recommend these courses to your clients who want to add content to
their websites themselves.  Some will succeed in mastering the basics, and
anyone who takes the course will more fully appreciate why it is they are
paying you to maintain their website.


Stewart Newfeld, President

New York City Joomla Users Group (NYCJUG)
Meetings 6-9PM every 3rd Wednesday of the Month ( but not September 2013)
Check our website:



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