[joomla] Bootstrap Joostrap

Stephen Britton sbritton at
Mon Sep 16 16:31:25 EDT 2013


Thank you for this excellent resource list. Very helpful!

- - - Steve

On Sun, Sep 15, 2013 at 10:37 AM, Dave Burstein <daveb at> wrote:

> Folks
> I'm really enjoying what I can do with the Bootstrap framework, which has
> a really vibrant community constantly building it further. Great responsive
> features and what I really like is that the code is clean and works well. I
> use Philip Locke's Joostrap template, a nice adaptation which includes the
> isotope page layouts.
>    I'm happy to do a demo for the group if people are interested.
> Meanwhile, here's a list of resources I put together at
> people may find helpful
> YABRL Yet Another Bootstrap Resource List<>
> My opinionated take on what helps build bootstrap websites. I've actually
> tried almost all of them and used several in production. A few favorites,
> not a huge list. GetBootstrap the Fountainhead<>
>   Bootply Visual Editor<>
>  Bootstrap Free Themes, Many Colors <>
>  Free Themes, Many Layouts<>
>  WrapBootstrap Themes <>
>  A Lightbox <>
>  Rich-Featured Gallery<>
>   Cool Google Card template<>
>   Bootstrap for Joomla<>
>  Free CDN Speedup<>
>  Photoshop Bootstrap samples<>
>  Free CDN Speedup<>
>  Short Tutorials<>
> If this isn't enough, see  Far More Resources<>
> The Fountainhead: GetBootstrap <>
> Where creators Matt Otto and Jacob Thornton provide the code, show you
> what it can do, and offer some of the best concise documentation of any
> project. The only thing missing is a forum comparable to the one at
> The "customize" feature saves petabytes across the web. Worth
> reading three or four times if you use Bootstrap. One tip: I couldn't find
> where to download the advanced templates. They are all in the single
> package in a subdirectory when you download the whole package.
> Visual Editor and Playground: Bootply<>
> Darn fast drag-n-drop editor and excellent resource files. A pleasure.
> <>
> Free Themes for Bootstrap: Bootswatch <>
> More than a dozen free Bootstrap thems, all displayed on the home page.
> Strong on giving you different color choices. Jennie thought Flatly,
> Journal and perhaps Slate were the better ones. Cyborg is black and
> striking but perhaps a bit much. United uses very bright Ubuntu Orange.
> Host Thomas Park recommends a few paid templates as well, including Front
> Row at Wrapbootstrap. <><>
> More Free Themes: Start Bootstrap
> Loads of different layouts with sliders, half-sliders, multiple column
> layouts ...
> 300 Themes for $4 to $25: Wrap<>
> B <>ootstrap<>
> Nice one page themes for $4. Plenty of others for less than $25.
> Definitely worth a look.
> Bootstrap for Joomla: Joostrap <>
> Phil, a Joomla veteran, sells a fine version of Bootstrap for Joomla for
> €16.99. He delivered Joostrap 3 within a week after Bootstrap 3 shipped.
> With €34.99 or  €74.99 subscriptions, you get several full-featured
> templates and extensions. The support has been good and worth paying for.
> He helps out on issues that most template vendors would say "not my
> problem."
> Clean, Easy Lightbox: Bootstrap Lightbox
> Does just what it should<>
> A Full-Featured Gallery for Pictures and Video: Blueimp
> Sebastian Tschan is recommending this, an updated version, rather than his
> earlier "Bootstrap Image Gallery." Looks good, but I haven't tested it yet.
> That Cool Google+ Card Interface: Bootplus
>   Marcello Palmitessa has added classes to replicate the "cardstyle"
> layout made famous by Google+. I love it.
>  Incredibly Easy, Free Way to Speed Your Site: Bootstrap CDN
> They cache the Bootstrap files and icons areound the globe. Your customer
> gets them in much less time. Provided free by MaxCDN to give you a taste of
> their service. The paid service <>looks interesting
> as well: $9/month will speed up 10,000+ visitors to most websites. Speed
> thrills.
> The Photoshop Templates: BentDesign & Designshock
> All the Bootstrap interface elements as Photoshop vectors. Ideal for
> mockups and comps
> Bootstrap 3 elements in a remarkable six foot poster. You must have enough
> memory to use this, but everything's there. Annoying signupat bottom of
> long page.
> Short Tutorials on Every Feature: W3Resource
> Neither deep nor eloquent but generally right to the point. Whether it's
> "pills & tabs" or "popovers," there's a page with the basics of what you
> need to know. So convenient I added it to my Bootstrap bookmarks. From
> Bengladesh
> Far More Resources
> Many thanks to these much more comprehensive resource lists
> Big Badass List<> Just
> about everything. Well done, and check his OptimizationRobot while you're
> there. Slews of stuff for Wordpress, php, Ruby and others I'm not qualified
> to rate.
> Bootsnip <> Very well organized with clear
> descriptions.
> Speckyboy <> Good
> organization if you're looking for programmer tools.
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Stephen Britton
Technology Consultant
sbritton at
Twitter: @StephenBritton
ph: 914-661-0040

"Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." -
George Bernard Shaw
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