[joomla] No NYC Joomla User Group meeting tomorrow 4/17/2014

Stewart Newfeld snewfeld at
Wed Apr 16 15:54:10 EDT 2014

Hi Everyone,


The New York City Joomla User Group has been meeting regularly on the third
Thursday of every month for some time now at Touro College. 


The Touro campus is closed this week for the Passover Holliday and  I have
not located  a suitable alternative space to meet this month.  


Therefore we will not be meeting tomorrow.


We are looking for a meeting space closer to Grand Central Terminal to
lessen travel time for commuters who wish to attend our meetings.  If anyone
has any suggestions for a free or inexpensive meeting venue please email me.
We do have money in our bank account saved from running profitable events.


Also, I am looking for more presenters for future meetings.  Let me know if
you can present or if you are interested in particular topic presentations.


Happy Passover!   Happy Easter!


P.S.  I will update soon after Hostgator resolves their
current network issues.  The server is currently unreachable.




Stewart Newfeld, President

New York City Joomla Users Group (NYCJUG)
Meetings 6-8:30PM every 3rd Thursday of the Month
Check our website:  <>



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