[joomla] June 19, 2014 NYC Joomla Group - Rod Martin, OSM VP

Stewart Newfeld snewfeld at
Wed Jun 18 19:02:42 EDT 2014

Major Update: Instead of our group president Stewart Newfeld giving this
meeting's presentation, we are very pleased to announce that our presenter
will be Rod Martin.

Rod Martin is in New York this week conducting Joomla and Drupal Training
sessions for OS Training. At the Open Source Matters board meeting, at end
of May at JandBeyond, Königstein, Germany the board appointed Rod in the
role of Vice President.  Open Source Matters is the not-for-profit
organization that provides organizational, legal, and financial support for
the Joomla! open-source project. 

This month we will be meeting at the Hive at 55.  Advanced registration is
not required but please sign up so we can estimate how much Pizza and Soda
to order. 

6:00 - 6:15 - Introductions 
6:15 - 8:00 
Presentation: The presentations given at the recent International Joomla
Conference entitled JandBeyond held from May 30 to June 1 in Germany, give a
pretty good idea of the exciting developments happening in the Joomla world.
We'll take a look at the sessions that where held,  possibly view a snippet
or two from the Conference videos posted on Youtube, and discuss what they
mean for us as Joomla Developers. 

Location: the Hive at 55.  55 Broad Street, New York, NY
Advanced registration is not required but please sign up so we can estimate
how much Pizza and Soda to order.




Stewart Newfeld, President

New York City Joomla Users Group (NYCJUG)
Meetings 6-8:30PM every 3rd Thursday of the Month
Check our website:



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