MEETING - Mozilla/Mozdev at NYPHP

Hans Zaunere zaunere at
Wed Aug 28 02:14:45 EDT 2002

Now that the mail server is operational, I'd like to remind everyone
about our next monthly meeting; TOMORROW, 8/28!  With Mozilla and
Mozdev developers presenting, this certainly isn't a meeting you'd want
to miss.  Starting at our usual time and place (details at, be sure to join NYPHP for another exciting meeting
and presentation.  Details follow and are available at

Thank you,

Hans Zaunere

New York PHP Presents:

"Mozilla and Mozdev"

NYPHP is excited to offer this month's presentation from one of the
staunchest Open Source projects: Mozilla/Mozdev.

Pete Collins et al of will discuss the Mozilla,
Mozdev and Hovercraft projects, and how they inter-develop to produce
some of the most celebrated Open Source software.  And since these
projects rely heavily on PHP as an integral part of development and
end-user enhancement, PHP's current and future endeavors will certainly
be exciting to hear.

Please join us August 28th at 6:30pm in Manhattan for what's sure to be
a stimulating and informative meeting.  Location details and a map are
available at

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