[nycphp-talk] NYPHP Mailing Lists Online

The RainMan rainman at
Thu Aug 29 09:41:35 EDT 2002

>What about placing a footer on all list messages that tells users how to
>unsubscribe themselves.  We all know it won't stop all the "remove me"
>messages, but it might help somewhat.....
>Just my .02 EUROs

If people bothered to read that far down AND list participants took the 
time to trim the crap/fat from their messages I might agree to that. But 
most list members seem to be youngin's or are so indoctrinated with the 
Jeopardy style of replying (and yes, I really *do* feel that comments 
belong at the bottom of the message, not the top); this would only lead to 
more clutter on the list.


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