[nycphp-talk] Paging through large result sets

Mike Myers myersm at
Thu Aug 29 12:21:07 EDT 2002

On 8/29/02 10:47 AM, "ophir prusak" <prutwo at> wrote:

> If the site doesn't get to much traffic, and the original query is fast
> enough for your needs, then who cares if it's not efficient :)
> I'd only go with a different solution if the query takes a "long time".
> The solution you propose would work, but is it worth the comlexity ?

Yes, I'm all for keeping it simple!

> I have an idea that would work if :
> 1. Using MySQL 4.X is an option (yes I know it's beta, but it's really
> quite stable)

The server and the hosted apps are all up to me, so I could certainly
install MySQL 4.X.

> 2. You can pump the MySQL and PHP machines with memory

The machine is at its max: 1GB of RAM (It's a 1999 Mac). These days, I don't
know if that qualifies as a lot of memory.
> MySQL 4.x has result caching, so re-doing the query will be FAST.


Does MySQL 4.X support sub-selects yet?

Thanks for the suggestions.

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