PHP cert

Vinay Chinnam vinay_chinnam at
Mon Dec 9 00:27:33 EST 2002

You are right . Brainbench does offer a php 4 test and
they also have a MySQL test coming out soon ..

--- "Seth [Ghiek]" <seth at> wrote:
> I think Brainbench is already offering one for php.
> if anyone is interested,
> i can check further.
> spirits,
> seth j hersh
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Hans Zaunere [mailto:hans at]
> Sent: Friday, December 06, 2002 6:26 PM
> To: NYPHP Talk
> Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] [JOB] PT Junior Developer,
> Manhattan
> --- Analysis & Solutions
> <danielc at> wrote:
> > On Fri, Dec 06, 2002 at 05:03:46PM -0500, Jon Baer
> wrote:
> > > You know ... this REALLY leads to a better
> discussion on possible PHP
> > > Certification of some kind
> >
> > Bah.  Certification can just mean you're good at
> taking tests.  Doesn't
> > necessarily reflect real world smarts, discipline,
> nor research and
> > hacking skills.
> Sure... the same could be said for college, too.
> > A good interview, references and coding examples
> prove far more than any
> > certification test.
> >
> > In fact, requiring certification for a position
> will likely have you miss
> > some really star tallent -- like myself :) -- who
> don't go along with that
> > paradigm.
> I agree, but requiring a college degree can cause
> the same problem.  I guess
> my point is, while people in-the-know (developers,
> for instance) know that a
> cert. doesn't necessarily signal a person's skill,
> IT managers and directors
> like the piece of paper - the CYA idea, mainly.
> I think a PHP cert. would be valuable, not only to
> those who hold one, but
> also to the language, as a confirmation of a
> technology's seriousness -
> again, in the eyes of the manager/director.  This
> would be a great project,
> but very time consuming, IMHO (preparing a test and
> course material, etc)
> H
> =====
> Hans Zaunere
> New York PHP
> hans at
> --- Unsubscribe at ---

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