[nycphp-talk] Form names

Timothy P Sailer sailer at
Tue Dec 10 09:57:45 EST 2002

On Tue, Dec 10, 2002 at 09:56:20AM -0500, Freedman, Tom S. wrote:
> Of course, doing all that is contingent on being able to modify the HTML
> forms, which, from your question, I gather you can't do.  Your only other
> real option is to look at what elements you DO get back, and try to pick a
> processing routine based on that (e.g. if I have A & B but not C, use the
> processing code for form 2).  That's a huge pain in the butt, but that's
> HTML for ya.

*All* the  forms have the same &^$^% names for the elements. Talk about
frigging poor design. "The forms are named to make post-processing easy."
Right. Idiots.


Tim Sailer <sailer at> 
Application Services
Information Technology Division
Brookhaven National Laboratory  (631) 344-3001

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