XML Resumes

bruce at bruce at
Wed Dec 11 08:21:22 EST 2002

What are the tags used to distinguish say Java from J2EE, JDBC?  Could you
use main_technology and sub_technology?

This xml idea is pretty interesting!

I'm always spending time re-writing my resume for a particular job.  It
seems to take forever.  If all my jobs, skills, accomplishments, etc. were
in xml, I could easily create a 1 page resume that focused on a specific

> The talk actually gave me a better idea ... I figured to make a
> resume.xml file with all my projects and include a link to dynamically
> create the resume w/ different formats & info (filter), maybe overkill
> but might help:
> resume/?java+sql
> resume/?php+mysql
> etc, etc, etc.
> I saw a "Human Resources Markup Language" but looked completely
> outdated.
> :-)
> - Jon
> bruce at wrote:
>>Some people were talking about getting their resumes past non-competent
>> HR people.  Here's what i do:
>>Since they may not know that JDBC and J2EE are Java, I could write:
>>- Java (JDBC, J2EE, Swing . . .)
>>Since they may not know SQL is used with Oracle, I could write:
>>- SQL (Oracle 8i, MySQL, . . .)
>>This also has the added benefit of organizing things.
>>- Bruce
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