Occasional Windows (ISAPI) PHP failures

George Webb gw.nyphp at
Thu Dec 12 13:43:03 EST 2002


	Just installed the 4.2.3 PHP Windows package, to use with IIS on 
NT Server 4, and it mostly works, but about 1 time out of 20, the server
fails with a HTTP 500 (Server Error), saying something like
"The remote procedure call failed."

	Checking the server logs, the following line would appear in the
failure case: - - [12/Dec/2002:13:10:44 -0500] "GET /gwebb.php?Out-of-process ISAPI extension request failed. HTTP/1.1" 502 0

	What else can we do to figure out this occasional problem?  It
appears the CGI version of PHP runs 100%, so the problem seems to be with
the ISAPI version.  If we can't figure it out, I guess we'd be better off
running the CGI version entirely, wouldn't you agree?

	There are warnings in the INSTALL.TXT file about how "unstable"
is the ISAPI version.  So do you think that is the inherent problem?

	Although I strongly dislike Windows, getting PHP to work on this
particular (legacy) web site is a significant step forward!  Thanks for
your help!


George Webb
gw.nyphp at
(802) 985-1384

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