Job offer

Daniel Kushner nyphp at
Mon Dec 16 11:44:48 EST 2002

Found on another list.
Contact: ip310 at

--Daniel Kushner

hi all,
on the off chance that someone is still checking this list-- i'm working on
a freelance project over break, designing a community site for a network of
youth groups around the country.

i have a few things to put out there:
1. a possible position for a JSP/mySQL programmer-- please write back if you
have experience

2. some suggestions of sample community sites with loads of dynamic
functionality including collaborative work areas (real-time text, image, +
object manipulation).

3. i'm considering using the flash communication server... anyone have any
experience with it or suggestions for other options for the type of
functionality listed above?

many thanks... hope to hear from some of you.  have a great break!! and see
you on the flipside.


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