[nycphp-talk] PHP version compatibility standards

George Webb gw.nyphp at
Mon Dec 16 14:56:46 EST 2002

	As for a "standard" how about the "php.ini-recommended"
file usually included with the PHP distribution?  I don't know
how much it changes from release to release, but it probably
changes only most conservatively.  Furthermore, PHP scripts
might do well to be aware of the changes within this file
(e.g. the whole register_globals saga...).

	Since PHP scripts usually are quite configuration-
dependent, it would make sense to distribute a PHP application
with its own (per-directory) php.ini file.  Perhaps a
"configure" -type script could generate this file during
the install process.

	If the distribution did not contain one, perhaps
you could ask the author for his/her own php.ini file to
use as a guide for your troubleshooting.

	MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC is a typical config option which
varies from server to server, and many scripts assume only
one of its valid states.  Good ones can deal with either
configured state.

	Many critical options such as these can be tested by
the PHP script itself and either overridden, worked around,
or explicitly announced as a "fatal configuration error."

	But since many cool scripts were not engineered for
mass-deployment, it may become your (or my) responsibility
to discover and fix these incompatibilities -- and then send
them to the author.  This is the essence of "Open Source

	So be happy about it and consider contributing to
your favorite Open Source project!

Best, George.

George Webb
gw.nyphp at

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