[nycphp-talk] Happy Code

Oktay Altunergil nyphp at
Tue Dec 17 11:50:18 EST 2002

A vast majority of the postnuke developers left the project and went on to create their own fork. ( I think there might even be only one guy left on the postnuke project ). 

This is based on chitchat with one of the leaving guys. He might be biased. It also doesn't say anything about the code itself. But if you liked postnuke, you might want to stay with the developers, not the project :)

My candiate for good code and good design would be the Mantis Bug Tracker.

It's small, fast and very clean. It has only gotten better with time too.


On Tue, 17 Dec 2002 11:48:42 -0500
Dan Horning <dan at> wrote:

> I believe that the package from Postnuke is well written .. It's been
> tested over a large arena... Without failing.. Some people just try to
> use it where it doesn't need to be used. It's a very modular system..
> Which is what an application should be
> Dan
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> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jim Musil [mailto:jim at] 
> Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2002 11:28 AM
> To: NYPHP Talk
> Subject: [nycphp-talk] Happy Code
> Hi,
> Given all the talk about standards and bad code, I'm wondering if anyone
> would like to point to an open source application that is well designed
> and well written.
> Jim
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