Config Problems, Apache-PHP on Windows

jessica kelly jkelly at
Tue Dec 17 12:18:54 EST 2002

I'm trying to get Apache 1.3.26 and PHP 4.2.3 setup on my win production computer after a crash a week ago. I don't want to use the PHP module for apache I'd rather run it as a separate program. I'll worry about MySQL after I have the PHP working.

After setting up per the instructions from adslworld (A.K.A. GeekForums) I get this message upon trying to get the phpinfo();
"You have chosen to download a file of type: application/x-httpd-php from" 
The page will not display and acts as if it is a download. When I do download & display the page it only has the <? phpinfo(); ?> text and that is it so the server is not processing the PHP.

Anyone have a clue? I've been at this since Friday and have compared the conf file with my web server conf file (That's working fine, Apache-1.3.24  PHP-4.0.5). It has to be something simple I'm overlooking.... 



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