[nycphp-talk] Please review this: Simple localization with PHP

Emmanuel. M. Decarie emm at
Thu Dec 19 23:41:09 EST 2002

Hello Hans,

À (At) 19:11 -0500 19/12/02, Hans Zaunere écrivait (wrote) :
>--- "Emmanuel. M. Decarie" <emm at> wrote:
>>  Hello,
>>  If you have time, please review this article called 'Simple
>>  Localization with PHP'.
>>  <>
>>  English is not my prime language, so if you note anything that could
>>  be better said, please tell me. Also, any advice to improve this
>>  article is welcome.
>Interesting article and well written,

Thanks for the compliment. :)

>  except for a couple minor things:
>How it work --> How It Works
>non-programmer --> non-programmers  (in some cases)

Ok, its corrected.

>There might be a couple other things, but it's hard for me to describe where
>changes need to be made :)  You might also want to run a spell checker
>through it, or send me the plain text and I'd be happy to revise a bit.

I already ran the BBEdit spell checker (I'm on OS X). But this spell 
checker will not catch syntax errors. Anyway, I'm taking your 
generous offer and the file is on your way. Thanks again!

Emmanuel Décarie / Programmation pour le Web - Programming for the Web
Frontier - Perl - PHP - Javascript - XML  <>

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