[nycphp-talk] photo album

Michael J Lee mike at
Tue Dec 24 11:26:38 EST 2002

Hey All,
Thanks for all the replies and the help - I decided to go with the gallery
option but I'm running into a problem.  Anyone running gallery on dreamhost?
Their my hosting comp. and there is some info on how to get gallery working
on it but it's not working for me.  They apparently cut off access to
certain functions like exec() and stuff for sec. reasons so there is a
workaround using pcgi file formats (basically running the php as a cgi
script).  I'm still working with the techs on trying to figure out other
problems I'm having (locks and so on).  Could just be that I royally screwed
up the install  . . who knows =)  Any suggestions are welcome thanks!


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