[nycphp-talk] Sorry, really stupid question...

Adam Fields fields at
Sat Dec 28 15:55:43 EST 2002

On Sat, Dec 28, 2002 at 03:33:00PM -0500, Phil Powell wrote:
> Adam, it's a lot more complicated than I thought.  Basically, it involves 3
> PHP files and 4 TCL files, along with 2 flat text files.  I will have to
> tackle this on my own unless you want to view about 11 files including HTML.

Well, you could always hire me to consult on it. Contact me offlist if
you're interested in that.

But it sounds like the problem is that the variable isn't getting
correctly reset between instances.

> Sorry
> Phil
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Adam Fields" <fields at>
> To: "NYPHP Talk" <talk at>
> Sent: Saturday, December 28, 2002 3:18 PM
> Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] Sorry, really stupid question...
> > On Sat, Dec 28, 2002 at 02:56:51PM -0500, Analysis & Solutions wrote:
> > >    * fclose() happens automatically when the script ends, so is
> > >      only helpful when you have a long script.
> >
> > Still, it's a good habit to close resources you open.
> >
> > But you still didn't answer the original question.
> >
> > Phil, what is the rest of the code doing?
> >
> > --
> > - Adam
> >
> > -----
> > Adam Fields, Managing Partner, fields at
> > Surgam, Inc. is a technology consulting firm with strong background in
> > delivering scalable and robust enterprise web and IT applications.
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> >
> >
> --- Unsubscribe at ---

				- Adam

Adam Fields, Managing Partner, fields at
Surgam, Inc. is a technology consulting firm with strong background in
delivering scalable and robust enterprise web and IT applications.

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