[nycphp-talk] Linux Help

Joe M joe_m at
Mon Jul 8 10:15:59 EDT 2002

  I am running Red Hat 7.3 on my Toshiba laptop which came 
with Win XP pre-installed (bleh--rather have w2k).I 
understand that the new Mandrake distro (8?) will also do 
fine with minimal config problems--just do a search on 
their web sites or google. I found my info at:
( if I remember correctly, they had a rather large list of 
laptops there.....)good luck, joe marabotto
ps--I like slackware also, but needed a quick fix on this 

On Wed,  3 Jul 2002 23:36:37 -0400
  evan heller <evan.heller at> wrote:
>Ok, I got a good question for you anyone that can
>I'd like to setup linux on my new laptop but I
>haven't used linux seriously since the days of
>slackware from about 4 years ago. Which linux
>distribution would be best for a Dell Inspiron in
>the sense of good drivers and power management.
>Also, would anyone be willing to volunteer some
>time perhaps at the next meeting or before the
>next meeting to give me a hand?
>Right now I'm using windows xp home (bleh) so I'd
>like to use dual boot since my games won't run in
>Evan Heller     
>evan.heller at

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