[nycphp-talk] Database vs. XML

Eliot Shepard eliot.shepard at
Tue Jul 16 11:48:05 EDT 2002

That's the central trade-off of using abstraction.

On one hand it's usually simpler and faster (in both development time
and execution) to use domain-specific solutions like the one below.
Quick and dirty, gets the job done.

On the other hand, abstraction brings flexibility and generality.
Decoupling of data from presentation has been a holy grail for web
programming for many years. You could completely change the appearance
of your site, or present your data in a different context, by editing
only your stylesheets. This is typically more of a long-term

The one irreducible truth under any scenario is that you should design
your data schema with care.


> Thanks for the responses.
> But if I'm storing data in a database then why not skip xml and output
> data to a text file and save as html where I'm outputting the
recordset one
> by one using something like:
> x = "<p>" + productID + "</br>"

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