[nycphp-talk] PHP on Windows...

jessica kelly jkelly at
Tue Jul 16 14:39:51 EDT 2002


How about trying Apache/PHP/MySQL for windows. 

I have a older version of PHP-triad which installed Apache, PHP, MySQL on my windows machines. I currently use it on a Win 2000 Advanced Server for my website but am working on getting newer versions up due to the Apache security hole. There is a FAQ on how to do it at: You need to be a member (free) but the FAQ (in the forum section) should walk you through installation. I am testing it out now so I can't guarantee the FAQ.
I haven't run in to any problems with the win binaries.

Hope this helps

PS: Make sure that you get the version of PHP that the FAQ wants. 4.2.1 wont work on Apache 2.0.39 you need 4.2.2

>>> cjtotheg at 7/16/02 2:18:21 PM >>>
I'm trying to figure out a way to utilize the power of PHP on my Win NT
box at work because I can't afford the time to install Linux right now.
Has anyone tried to run Windows PHP binaries? If so, is it necessary to
install IIS? I'd like to serve webpages over the corporate network via IIS
using some PHP logic. Anyone try such a thing? Thanks for helping out!
Clay Givens

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