[nycphp-talk] best setup environment on iBook... ???

Weston Houghton weslists at
Thu Jul 18 12:02:56 EDT 2002

Apache is built in, all you need is PHP and mySQL. And there is a site that
makes it easy:

He's setup a really easy straightforward page or two to help you get them

Mac OS X just became the absolute best PHP development environment, IMHO. It


> Yipes, just about to leave town for a bit, got a carpentry job in the
> Adirondacks, well at least it's room and board!  Anyway, I have a long
> train ride, wanted to get the latest, all up to date php/postgres things
> all configured on my new iBook [BEST COMPUTER I'VE OWNED in 20 years].
> Any info on the latest tips and tricks there for setting up my php
> development environment on OS X? Web site links, etc...
> thanks
> - e
> PS... I'll be in a log cabin, in the Adirondacks, without much to do
> after the sun goes down, any freelance work, etc, i'm available!  ROCK
> BOTTOM RATES [ecommerce, bloggers, perl, gui development, web sites,
> hosting, etc u name it, i've done it]  I'll match Bangalore prices for
> the next few weeks.
> thanks...

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