[nycphp-talk] War & Peace...abridged version..

George Herson gherson at
Thu Jul 18 13:04:43 EDT 2002


you already have your multiplier:  it is your first amount over your second 
amount.  (Or vice versa depending on how it's used.  I'm looking at

So you can now convert to any weird unit, as Patrick explained (and i was about 
to send :), for presentation.  Otoh, save all amount data in native units so as 
not to complicate any of your other calculations on the data.


Peter Simard wrote:
> My initial attempt a few days ago resembles Patricks' suggestion:
> CREATE TABLE custom_conversion (
>    custom_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
>    custom_name varchar(15) NOT NULL,
>    custom_amt double DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
>    custom_conv double DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
>    custom_type varchar(15) NOT NULL,
>    parent_amt double DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
>    parent_conv double DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
>    parent_type varchar(15) NOT NULL,
>    PRIMARY KEY (custom_id)
> );
> however the "mulltiplier" idea never occured to me...
> Either way I think i'm getting a clearer picture now...
> any more suggestions feel free to add them!!
> if you like feel free to check out how the user would to define their
> conversions here:

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