[nycphp-talk] Sessions. Pesky, pesky sessions.

Peter Simard peter at
Sun Jul 21 14:18:10 EDT 2002

Hello Peter,

Sunday, July 21, 2002, 12:43:22 PM, you wrote:

PS> Hi  Wayne;  Don't  quote  me  on  this, but I don't think PHP can/will
PS> detect  the closing of the browser, so reliance on session expire time
PS> in  the  event  of a closed browser - lost connection is the preferred
PS> way to go.

PS> if I'm wrong here someone please correct me.

PS> Regards,

Hi  Wayne;

Don't  quote  me  on  this, but I don't think PHP can/will
detect  the closing of the browser, so reliance on session expire time
in  the  event  of a closed browser - lost connection is the preferred
way to go.

if I'm wrong here someone please correct me.



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