[nycphp-talk] Encrypt info in an email

Andrew M. Yochum andrew at
Fri Jun 7 12:59:34 EDT 2002

You can take a look at the Crypt libraries in PEAR.  I've used the HCE_MD5
library for exactly what you're looking for.  This allows you to encrypt
the data with a password.

However, that requires the data be fed through a script on the recipients
computer to decode it.

If that is a problem, the better option for you might be use PGP to encrypt
it for the recipient.  Many mail programs support PGP to automagically
decrypt an email upon receipt, given the users passphrase for their private


On Fri, 7 Jun 2002, Jim Musil wrote:

> Hi,
> What options are good if I want to encrypt just some information sent in an
> email?
> For example, let's say I send an order from a website to the store owner,
> how can I scramble the credit card in a way that the owner can descramble it
> when he/she receives it.
> Any ideas?
> Jim M

Andrew Yochum
Digital Pulp, Inc.
andrew at

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