[nycphp-talk] Question

ken wu ken_11223 at
Mon Jun 10 18:55:37 EDT 2002

are you running php4.1.2 or above? i know it is
slightly different to deal with the form variables if
u running such versions of php.  For example. u have
to echo $HTTP_POST_VARS['first'} which is the form
variables.  But i know that if u use the php 4.0.6 or
below. u don't have to do so. just simply use $first
or $last.  

--- Larry Chuon <LarryC at> wrote:
> <paralist>This message contained 1 file(s) and is
> available at
> I'm working on a sample code and have some
> questions.  My php and html files
> are below.  I'm running on IIS and MySQL.  This code
> gives me the following
> error:
> Notice: Undefined variable: first in
> d:\\example\\datain.php on line 5
> Notice: Undefined variable: last in
> d:\\example\\datain.php on line 5
> Notice: Undefined variable: nickname in
> d:\\example\\datain.php on line 5
> Notice: Undefined variable: email in
> d:\\example\\datain.php on line 5
> Notice: Undefined variable: salary in
> d:\\example\\datain.php on line 5
> Thank you! Information entered. 
> If I add the following lines prior to the insert
> statement, it works fine.
> $first = $HTTP_POST_VARS['first'];
> $last = $HTTP_POST_VARS['last'];
> $nickname = $HTTP_POST_VARS['nickname'];
> $email = $HTTP_POST_VARS['email'];
> $salary = $HTTP_POST_VARS['salary'];
> Why do I need $HTTP_POST_VARS???? Thanks in advance.
> --------------------
> datain.php
> <html>
> <?php
> $db = mysql_connect("","root","123456");
> mysql_select_db("learndb",$db);
> $sql="insert into personnel (firstname, lastname,
> nick, email, salary)
> ('$first','$last','$nickname','$email','$salary')";
> $result = mysql_query($sql);
> echo "Thank you! Information entered.\
> ?>
> </html>
> datain.html
> <html>
> <body>
> <form action="datain.php" method="post">
> First name:<input type="text" name="first"><br>
> Last name:<input type="text" name="last"><br>
> Nick name:<input type="text" name="nickname"><br>
> E-mail:<input type="text" name="email"><br>
> Salary:<input type="text" name="salary"><br>
> <input type="Submit" name="submit" value="Enter
> information">
> </form>
> </body>
> </html> 

Ken Wu

168 35 Street Apt 2
Broooklyn, NY 11232-2320

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