[nycphp-talk] Meeting Followup

Nunez, Eddy enunez at
Thu May 23 11:20:55 EDT 2002

G'morn all,

	Weblog? Blah! A web forum would be more useful to the members.
I suggest breakin' it up into different areas, for example:

	o "Member Discussions/Chat/Issues/Etc",
	o "Meeting Minutes/Log"(static area only "webmaster" can update),
	o "Previous Presentations"
	o "Reference Area"(maybe, alot of reference sites out there already)
	o "Member CODEZ!"
	  (stuff written by members, I'm sure many will love to contribute
to this ;)
	o "Club Rules and Related-Junk"
	o "LAMP Book Library"
	  (Overdue books? List of books available with an accompaning book
	o "Kool Zites" - (Member Recommended Sites with description/review)
	o etc etc etc

There are free forum services out there, or better yet... 
download some php(of course) based web forum app and put it on

My 3 cents,

-----Original Message-----
From: Hans Zaunere [mailto:zaunere at]
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2002 10:36 AM
To: NYPHP Talk
Subject: [nycphp-talk] Meeting Followup

Good morning all,

I've updated's frontpage with a couple notes that
might be interesting.  I'll be updateing the Group Notes section later,
as well.

However most important is that we start to build our knowledge base.  

To the presenters last night: if you haven't already, please send me
notes/links/etc about your presentation.  I saw many people using note
paper and web page links.  If you could write this up in an
article-type format, that'd be great - if not, just send me the raw
notes and I'll "compile" it into a reasonable form.  We're not looking
for anything fancy at this point, but I just want to get the resources

Also, to anyone else who took notes last night, please send anything
you found interesting to me and I'll compile it as well.  And, the
position for NYPHP Clerk/Secretary is still open!

I was thinking this morning:  if I setup a group weblog thing, would
people put useful info there (from meetings, and even just general
notes)?  Then I or other editors could compile it down to article-type
formats, link lists, etc.  Feedback on this please.

Either way, since we're getting great presentations, we need a way to
track/record the information.

Thanks folks, and I look forward to next week's development meeting
(all are welcome).

Hans Z.

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