[nycphp-talk] PHP Training

Oktay Altunergil nyphp at
Wed Nov 6 15:28:23 EST 2002

New York Linux Scene has some Perl (and maybe C?) classes. I would recommend them even if you want to program in PHP later. 

see the nylug-talk archives ( or for more info.


PS: I'm not saying Perl is better or anything. Just that you won't be able to find many PHP classes and knowing Perl will help a lot more than you think with PHP.

On Wed, 06 Nov 2002 15:25:20 -0500
bruce at wrote:

> If you can't find a class on PHP try taking any intro to programming
> class.  What I find is that the important part is the thought process. 
> Once you understand different thought processes, whether it be control
> structures or OO design or security, or whatever, although different
> languages or operating systems do things differently, if you have a good
> foundation, than you will be in a good position to pick up a book for the
> specific language and find out the exact syntax.
> Sure, there is a huge difference between MS Access and Oracle, but they
> are both relational databases.  If you don't understand how a RDBS works
> then you will have difficulty using both.  If you understand and know
> standard SQL, then using either of these or MS Sequel Server of MySQL will
> be quite simple with the addition of a book detailing the specifics of the
> syntax for that system.  As with databases, same with server side and
> client side scripting langauges.
> - Bruce
> > Hello all,
> >
> > I'm a newbie to this group, so please forgive me in advance, if I'm
> > asking a dumb question: Is there any PHP training available in our area?
> > I've been doing a fair amount of searching in vain so far, for any
> > professional training in PHP in the NY metro area.
> >
> > At last year's LinuxWorld Expo, Rasmus Lehrdorf did a 3 hour seminar on
> > PHP which was a definite eye opener, but that's really all I've found.
> >
> > I work with PHP every day on our 1500+ page site and I've spent the last
> > year converting our entire site over to PHP. Coming from an HTML
> > background with no real programming experience, I've had to scramble to
> > pick up programming concepts and good practices along the way and what
> > I'm really looking for now is a chance to build on what I know and fill
> > in the huge gaps of knowledge that I still struggle with.
> >
> > I'm probably dreaming, but I figure it doesn't hurt to ask. Thanks for
> > any advice you have to give.
> >
> > --Winston
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > 
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