[nycphp-talk] PHP Training

Winston Churchill-Joell winston at
Thu Nov 7 19:24:14 EST 2002

Hi Daniel,

Thanks for making this possible. I'm definitely looking forward to it.


On 11/6/02 8:44 PM, "Daniel Kushner" <nyphp at> wrote:

> Hi PHPers,
> It is very exciting to see such an interest in a PHP course. I have
> decided to re-open my PHP training session and am aiming for the end of
> November. This course, is perfect for beginners and for those who have
> been using PHP but without getting a good and solid programming
> background. The slides (which will definitely be updated for the next
> course) can be found at:
> The course is designed for 16 hours (4 sessions @ 4 hours/session) . The
> last few were 2 full days and that seemed to be fine.
> I suggest that the course be either Thursday-Friday, Saturday-Sunday,
> Friday-Friday or Saturday-Saturday. The classroom is in a professional
> facility in midtown Manhattan (i.e.: every student has his/her own
> computer and their hard drives are saved between days).
> The price for this course is $780.
> For those that are interesting, please send an email to
> training at with your preferred days and we'll see what can be
> arranged.
> You are advised to ask NYPHP members that took the course for their
> opinion, and I am sure (if they are still around) that they'll be happy
> to respond to the group.
> Best regards,
> Daniel Kushner
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Winston Churchill-Joell [mailto:winston at]
>> Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 2:08 PM
>> To: NYPHP Talk
>> Subject: [nycphp-talk] PHP Training
>> Hello all,
>> I'm a newbie to this group, so please forgive me in advance,
>> if I'm asking a dumb question: Is there any PHP training
>> available in our area? I've been doing a fair amount of
>> searching in vain so far, for any professional training in
>> PHP in the NY metro area.
>> At last year's LinuxWorld Expo, Rasmus Lehrdorf did a 3 hour
>> seminar on PHP which was a definite eye opener, but that's
>> really all I've found.
>> I work with PHP every day on our 1500+ page site and I've
>> spent the last year converting our entire site over to PHP.
>> Coming from an HTML background with no real programming
>> experience, I've had to scramble to pick up programming
>> concepts and good practices along the way and what I'm really
>> looking for now is a chance to build on what I know and fill
>> in the huge gaps of knowledge that I still struggle with.
>> I'm probably dreaming, but I figure it doesn't hurt to ask.
>> Thanks for any advice you have to give.
>> --Winston
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